The Dirty Protest

Company: Uncommon Creative Studio

Role: Executive Producer, Interactive

The Dirty Protest: A petition against sewage pollution that you sign with actual sewage.

Every year billions of liters of untreated sewage is dumped straight into the ocean, and for years politicians have chosen to ignore the problem. But for the first time, sewage pollution is being taken to a place where they can’t ignore it; their desks.

Pernille Weiss, Member of the European Parliament and Chairwoman of the Water Group was the first person to sign the petition.

“I signed my name in shit to stop untreated sewage from being pumped into our ocean and I need all of you to sign, so we can show every politician that this problem is too big and too important to be ignored.”

- Pernille Weiss, Chairwoman MEP Water Group.


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